Wednesday 24 April 2013

Chiff chaff

In full song in Ickleford this morning

Sunday 7 April 2013

Jack snipe

A very obliging little bird, it reminded me of a tiny woodcock, taken at Tewinbury reserve Herts

Thursday 4 April 2013

The thieving crow

One of my workmates was working outside this week and left some of his lunch while busy doing something else, a crow came down and pilfered his 'half a pork pie'
Another workmate observed this and also watched the pie's owner chase it briefly shouting abuse at it!
This caused much laughter in the workplace, oh for it to have been on Yahoo

Black bellied dipper

This dipper is one of the continental races that breeds in the north of Scandinavia and migrates south to escape the clutches of winter, it is a subspecies of our dipper. The bottom image is the result of a union between a Greylag and a Canada goose, the parents were also present and were obviously an 'item'
Also noted over the Easter w/e was a brave (considering the temps)  adder which we found at Grimes graves


Seen in the Thetford area, a fantastic days photography.